• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • I would like this comic done by an arch user.

    I want to see Debain users and Fedora users faces when they noticd they don’t have access the AUR or PKGBUILDs.

    I want to see them running sudo make install to install stuff from git.

    Also reading the Arch wiki for so long is something new arch users probably do. I installed arch for tens of times btw and for me the system already runs with the installation media.

    I am very sure no Debian or Fedora user is done after the installer finishes. Then comes the tricky part of the setup. The one that takes days. Adding ppas and making stuff work fedora doesn’t package.

    This process starts with arch right away. From the moment i chroot into my installation.

    I actively maintain ~9 computers in my house running arch. Many of them have dual boot arch. E.g. one arch for work, one arch for everything else. One arch for music production, one arch for everything rlse. I run arch on my webserver. I run arch on my home sevrer. I run arch on my wifes gaming desktop. I run arch on my wifes laptop. I run arch on my kids netbook. i run arch on rasberry pi.


  • Right, obsidian didn’t appeal to me since it’s proprietary.

    I probably will look into setting up a Joplin server and maybe write a frontend for it. Also didn’t try frontend options on PC yet.

    Until now I only tried the Android app and while it looked quite mature, I didn’t get quite the UX from it I was anticipating.

    Some things that bothered me:

    • Creating a note requires 2 clicks, 1 should be fine.I want to start writing and decide whether its a todo later.

    • Tag management. In Keep #tags are parsed from text automatically. Although there is a conflict with markdown syntax, having to issue 3 clicks to add a tag seems bothersome

    • Tags are not shown in the main menu, but are another view.

    • Didn’t figure out what notebooks are supposed to be, but i guess some kind of directory system. Don’t see the point when having a tag system. In the end they are too prominent in the UI.

    But the synchronization options and markdown capabilities are a big plus. mardown is actually a feature missing in keep.