• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • ah, okay, that’s fair. in terms of short-form social media that tries to engage you, I’d expect little warning and for children especially to take more risks when encountering this type of content.

    Folks with rooted android phones have a high chance of having watched a 12 year old tell them how to root their phone on TicTok.

    I was more focused on this, though, because this sentence implied that you could successfully root your phone with short-form, likely phone-generic tutorials when the process nowadays is much more difficult and technical

  • maybe it’s just me, but isn’t it quite hard (at least for people not confident doing technical stuff) to root a phone?

    like a decade ago the bootloader may have been unlocked by default and for many phones there were exploits so that they could be rooted with an app, but nowadays you would have to:

    • unlock the bootloader by installing ADB and fastboot drivers, booting into download mode and run terminal commands that would reset your phone in the process; and for some phones, you would also need to shorten a test point and for quite a few of them nowadays, unlocking the bootloader is impossible
    • boot into download mode and flash a custom recovery with fastboot or potentially with Odin or some other proprietary software (or sometimes you can root from download mode)
      • for some newer (including Samsung) phones, you also need to disable dm-verity otherwise your phone wouldn’t be able to boot into Android
    • boot into recovery mode and finally flash (probably Magisk) an image to root the system

    I guess there are usually detailed instructions for this, but I doubt that most people rooting their phones now would be non-techie people who are just watching generic online tutorials. they would most likely stumble upon XDA or other forums that would have proper instructions. and even then, they are not very beginners friendly as they aren’t usually supposed to be followed by people with little to no experience with using the command-line, drivers, how Android phones work internally, etc.

  • I’ll just copy a previous reply:

    the ads would ideally be limited to banners and gifs in the same style as these, with each user choosing whose ads they wish to host

    no revenue or popularity (these are only for personal websites) would (hopefully) prevent users from hosting invasive ads. quite a few personal websites have banners linking to others, so this would be a more simpler approach

    (although in principle, a whole project dedicated to automate this doesn’t sound good)>

  • I’ll try explain the idea more concisely:

    • user wants to promote own website
    • user creates ads (small banners and gifs) like these and hosts them on an instance of the software through their website
      • the server-side implementation would have an API to fetch the URL of the advertisements from to embed to the website (just simple image files or gifs)
    • user asks other people (friends, others in the fediverse) to save their website on these peoples’ own lists of websites that they are willing to host the ads for
      • people would host based off of similar content, interesting topics, and general goodwill as opposed to exposure (as very few personal websites get constant exposure to large audiences) and revenue (as this would be a willing move)
    • the client-side implementation of those hosting other websites’ ads would randomly pick a URL from the user’s own list (similar to picking a random URL from a webring), use the API (something like /get_ad?) to retrieve the URL of a random ad from the promoting user and display that on their website
    • “automatic” was a bad word choice, I’ll change it now
    • this wouldn’t solve a problem, just automate the functions of webrings by giving every user their own decentralised “webring” (the list of websites) and displaying user-curated ads (probably at the bottom of the page where most banners are) as opposed to randomly picking from a webring
    • those using personal websites would be the users, while visitors would be the audience.

    should’ve made the wording more clearer in the post, my bad I guess. and to clarify, this is just an concept I thought about though and I don’t actually have plans to develop this. (I’ve also edited the post with my final opinion on the subject.)

    1. people would choose individual websites (likely their friends) to host ads of, although list making would be problematic
    2. ideally would just serve images or gifs with as simple an API as possible
    3. similar idea to point 1 but abuse of such a system would be an issue (eg. a website is hacked and changed to inappropriate ads). one of the concept’s main implications
    4. similar idea to point 2: videos could also be problematic though
    5. potentially some form of client-side (website) caching? this whole thing is just an idea, so I really don’t know how it work
    6. no revenue - and therefore breaches of privacy and tracking would be unlikely - as the servers would be individually hosted, and therefore decentralised. however, this approach would make it significantly easier for malicious parties to pay users for ads.
    • as to whether or not that happens would be the user’s decision, although (at least right now) such advertising sounds more costly and hard to enforce.
    1. you’re right that ad-blockers could (although probably not at first) be used to block ads, as the ads would be for other personal websites (no real ad protection needed as per point 6), some could unblock them knowing that they would be more ethical (again, just a concept). this would be a problem though as most visitors would have an ad-blocker regardless.

    thanks for the points