Just spent like 30 minutes attempting the final level of Seer’s snare with my B!Dimintri, B!Edelgard, Kempf, and Duo!Ymir and it was, like, hard? This is my team I generally just throw at any problem and it gets solved.

Yet, this game mode made me actually play the game? Legendary Lyn kicked my teeth in at first, then duo!Tiki… just a really satisfying experience and the absolute last thing I really expected from this game.

Idk man I missed any previous instances of this game mode and I kinda love it. Hope it comes up often because man that was fun.

  • EskueroMA
    2 years ago

    This is the second time it’s run.

    Yeah it’s fun to figure out the solutions although painful if you get stuck in certain levels to have to play through again.