My ARM board from 2010 has 256MB of memory. It runs an old 3.1 kernel (not attached to internet) , new kernels won’t fit/load. But on that I have OpenMediaVault running SAMBA shares and mindlna to serve music. It isn’t even using 50% of the 256MB
My ARM board from 2010 has 256MB of memory. It runs an old 3.1 kernel (not attached to internet) , new kernels won’t fit/load. But on that I have OpenMediaVault running SAMBA shares and mindlna to serve music. It isn’t even using 50% of the 256MB
Can confirm. I have an arm board from 2010 with 256MB of RAM. it hosts music fine through minidlna and still has memory and cpu free
I had something similar happen with a DVD iso. It would not copy across network, and cpu would skyrocket if I put it on drive another way. For mine it turned out to be the tracker-miner getting hung up on the content indexing. Specifically it was a DVD with a prank menu option. The menu option was “Break my player” which if you chose it would totally lock the DVD player and only fix was unplugging it for a hard power cycle. Somehow whatever code did that was messing with the content indexer
Hmm, that sucks. I was disappointed they trashed it almost as soon as it started…like a Killed By Googke thing
The Linux Teams app works. I’m not sure what is missing other than MS abandoning dev on it
Sure but they pay for unix certification even though some isn’t so unix…thus they y I added.
It is amazing how little you need to have a functional system. I have a OpenMediaVault / minidlna server using NAS ARM board that only has 256MB of RAM, and it isn’t using all of it, and doesn’t need to swap.
Yeah ddinitely needs image swap, or this meme would make more semse if it said $ instead of requirements. MacOS is unixy and doesn’t require super specs
Aside for all his pedophile view points, he is correct about infantilizing 12-17 year olds. We have helicopter parents removing every roadblock for children, they grow up not knowing how to plan or resolve conflict.
from his stand point the kids gave consent, he did not seem to grasp that due to age or vulnerabilty/power differential they can’t consent. It is like he is thinking of it like a code problem not a human problem. i.e. IF (Consent=true)(AllOK) else(NotOK)
I first realized this when I tilted my HP laptop sideways to read something on the back and the GNOME DE flipped 90 degrees to match the new up orientation. flip it other side it redid orientation, tilt thev whole laptop back resets to normal Horizontal layout. Amazing planning.
I don’t know which distro is best, but you might want GNOME desktop for tablet. Its desktop control is ideally suited for touch and gesture methods on a tablet
Firefox has a built in password manager, it is stored on each machine you sync. But to anwer your question any cloud stored data is vulnerable, so be sure your password manager supports other verification measures such as Yubikey as another factor of authentication
We have blippy power in the windy season, a 1 second outage was enough to trash hardware, not to mention dirty power you may not visibly notice. My UPS kicks in every few weeks for a few seconds to provide clean power when the utility is falling short or over volting. Having a battery take over is super helpful
This. If it was your sole tool for daily tasks it makes sense, once a month to edit a config file…not so much.
When I started working we had HP Unix Silicon Graphics systems, VI was our only text editor…so I have some commands as muscle memory. The rest of commands I open my tractor feed help printout from 30 years ago
Notepadqq on linux
Good info, thanks
The first release of 10 made my old laptop useless, so much delay it was not possible to perform real work. I switched that old thing to NixOS now it is like a new machine hosting web meetings, getting spreadsheet work done. All our work customers complained when the W10 upgrade happened by their IT departments, their engineering CAD suddenly took a performance hit. Just frustrating because tech is supposed to get better not worse.
You could try OpenSUSE, it has Yast2 GTK GUI control panel for everything, no command line needed. Assuming CLI is what you find troublesome.
And GUI package manager