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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Well, the thing is that 3 years looks like “too long” but eventually the spec is held by the timeframe of having actual silicon. Even if it’s not 1 year or 2, at least is not 5 or 7.

    That’s probably the problem of standards. Everyone has to agree to a new spec, instead of a company offering double the PCI Express bandwidth and latency that, low and behold, only works on their hardware and will charge for royalties.

    3 years look like a lot, but it’s cheaper than vendor lock-in, which everyone has afraid of since is in that moment your business is controlled by other business.

  • What’s dissapointing about Dev Home is that it offers nothing of value to the average developer, let alone somebody start it.

    Given the power of containerization and WSL2, you would expect it could create development environments for a given app, like creating a firmware for a microcontroller using Rust, or a backend using Typescript, and even bring common tools or toolchains. Instead, we get some widgets and that’s it.

  • Totally agree.

    Not only they can’t sell the device at a loss, but also they have to use Windows for driver compatibility.

    What’s holding back the Steam Deck, and the whole gaming on the go, it’s x86. For the rest, it’s x86 plus Windows plus drivers.

    The one to win will be who makes a tightly coupled device that’s also efficient. Apple is good at that, but has nowhere near the catalogue than Steam and lacks a Steamworks SDK.