A bot that automatically mirrors news posts from the official Genshin Impact social media accounts to Lemmy’s Genshin sub.

Currently supported:

  • Reddit

Twitter will be mirrored instead once Musk stops changing the API so much.

Please contact /u/nahida if you have any questions or concerns.

  • 64 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • Good morning. I’m a bit busy right now… I need to deliver Dr. Baizhu’s medicine…
    Oh, it’s not heavy. I often carry things, so I don’t get tired.
    A lot of patients have been coming to Bubu Pharmacy recently. Dr. Baizhu tells them to keep warm by wearing more layers.
    You should too… Be careful not to catch a cold. We can do some stretches under the sun later to build up your strength.

    Thanks to 咲良ゆき for the fantastic artwork!

    This comment was automatically mirrored from the official Genshin Impact Reddit account. Please contact /u/nahida if you have any questions or concerns.

  • Wanna know what this is? Hehe, it’s a birthday present from another member of Benny’s Adventure Team!

    As luck would have it, I just so happened to slip over, so it came in handy after all!

    My dads are right, a birthday that only comes around once every four years is bound to be a day of unexpected good fortune!

    Well, that’s my partner calling, so I better be off! I wish you a lucky day too — hope you finally manage to find that huge pile of pinecones you’re after!

    “I wish… to not be too unlucky this year? Uhh, on second thoughts, scrap that. How about… I wish my dads all the best this year!”

    “I’m sure your dads wish you all the best too, Bennett.”

    This comment was automatically mirrored from the official Genshin Impact Reddit account. Please contact /u/nahida if you have any questions or concerns.

  • “I can sense everyone’s good will towards me~ I feel blessed, even if I’ve completely run out of ‘energy.’ I guess I’ll spend this evening reading some new military strategy books to recuperate…”

    Swimming in clear waters among glistening shoals of fish, feeling the gentle caress of the ocean… it has a calming effect on your mind.

    I’ve read much about the world beneath the waves of Fontaine in books. It’s said to be a mysterious place full of unknown treasures.

    I’ve always wondered, though, if it’s any different from the waters of Watatsumi Island — and if so, how exactly… Given how much of the world you’ve seen, you wouldn’t be able to tell me more about it, would you?

    This comment was automatically mirrored from the official Genshin Impact Reddit account. Please contact /u/nahida if you have any questions or concerns.