Ok? Not sure what that has to do with my situation.
Ok? Not sure what that has to do with my situation.
But then I’d never get to use my recovery media :(
On don’t have a gui on that one.
My PC: “Oh, you touched /etc/fstab? Fuck you”
One of the best fight scenes in any move too.
I would say sometimes rather than usually.
I just wish they’d put some damn usage examples in there. I usually just need to do one thing I don’t need a dissertation about it.
If here is where the niche products are I’m happy to stay. I haven’t been able to upgrade my phone in almost a decade because they’re all catering to the mainstream now. Most people don’t care about doing anything cool with their devices.
The pro-linux developers just can’t stop designing things to their own specific needs and skillsets. No concept of designing & marketing for a wide audience.
You mean the wide audience that’s already catered to by every other tech company?
Phone makers make no money if you don’t buy new phones
Maybe they should make a new phone thats desirable then. I’m still running on a phone from 2016 because there’s no modern one that wouldn’t lose me functionality that I use all the time. Anything I buy would be a downgrade.
The company I work for disabled the taskbar settings when they put out Win 10. I’m Assuming they will do it on Win11 too so I may not have that option but thanks for the info anyway I’ll certainly try it.
I have to use it for software testing and I fucking hate the UI with everything crammed into the center of the taskbar. Beyond that it’s running in a virtual desktop and I don’t go beyond launching apps in it so I really can’t say. My work laptop is supposed to be upgraded next week, im sure ill find plenty to bitch about then.
Implying I can understand the documentation even when it’s available.
Mcdonalds lowers the price if you take ingredients off?
Centralize control in house.
I don’t even bother checking. I tell them I’m going to do something on my side that might cause their computer to reboot and then reboot it remotely.
Some people don’t have time to learn new workflows at their job. Their workload is maxed out with the workflow they currently have and while their boss may understand they need time to learn a new workflow, the bean counters up the chain won’t. Maybe their replacements will get trained on the changes you made but the current ones are fucked.
and then df-ed a couple gigs of /dev/zero straight into /dev/sda
do you mean dd ?
Not German but I remember the comment but not the right letters so I would have killed us all.
He looked over the shoulder of one of the script kiddies he hired and saw 2 lines with the same SSN, freaked out, remembered some database words he picked up somewhere and hopped on twitter.