• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Who need GUI apps when you can do these things on CLI:

    • view image: imcat my-image.png
    • watch video, even YouTube: mpv --vo=tct "https://youtube.com/watch?v=BBJa32lCaaY"
    • browse the web using modern Firefox engine: browsh
    • listen to your Spotify playlists: spt play --name "Your Playlist" --playlist --random

    and perhaps many more I’m not currently aware of…

  • I don’t think you’ll miss anything. If pihole works for you, then there is no need to switch to adguard.

    One thing I found helpful is configuring my router (asuswrt-merlin) to transparently route all dns request to my adguard instance. You might already heard that some apps and IoT devices tried to be clever and hard-coded their dns server so they can evade dns blocking (I’m looking at you Netflix). If your router support redirecting all dns request to a custom dns server, definitely use it!

  • Sounds great! By the way, if you’re using docker, be careful not to accidentally have a container open a port on all interface. Even if you have a firewall configured on the machine, sometimes docker can punch a hole without you knowing. Might be a good idea to run a port scan from an external computer from time to time just to makes sure no unwanted open ports.

  • Unfortunately, I can’t say for sure if your instance will reliably get the deletion requests and process them. I did a small test to see how deletion works a few days ago and it doesn’t seem to propagate reliably as the deleted comment is still up in another instances, even now, though other instance such as lemmy.world seem to delete it. Not sure where it went wrong either, could either a bug, instances get overloaded and didn’t receive activitypub message correctly, or OP’s instance was improperly configured, but I sure hope it’s just an isolated incident.

    Like I said before, If this still worries you, you can just delete older image files in the pictrs directory every few months to make sure you don’t host user-uploaded files for too long.

  • The risk is pretty small IMO, especially if you (or your friends) are the only one that use your instance (with registration closed so no random users uploading stuff to your own instance). If you disable nsfw on your instance, the chance of storing illegal images should be pretty low, especially if the communities you subscribed are moderated as deletion from mods will eventually processed by your own instance. If this still worries you, just nuke pictrs directory every few months, perhaps automatically using a cron scripts that delete images/gifs older than a few months.

  • HomeAssistant should works great on this device. If you have a bunch of smart devices from different brands and want to consolidate them into a single local system, give HomeAssistant a go. There should be plenty of resource left to run pihole/Adguard as well.

    I’m not sure if the GPU is fast enough to run the Steam Link client, but if it does, you can hook it to your tv so you can stream your PC games into the tv when needed.

    You can also hook it into a TailScale network and set it as an exit relay so you can have a VPN from your phone/laptop that redirect all internet traffics through your home network. Very useful when you want to secure your connection when using public WiFi in a hotel or cafe.